Day 3 — Please Pray for me

I was supposed to finish my review of “Beckon” but Tuesday afternoon while walking, I started having chest pain and shortness of breath. I am in the hospital and so far all is negative. But, on Wednesday, I’m scheduled for tests. I’ll try and finish the review later but it will be after the blog tour. I covet your prayers.

About Bruce Hennigan

Published novelist, dramatist, apologist, and physician.

Posted on May 22, 2012, in Steel Chronicles. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. I’m praying for you.


  2. Bruce,
    We will be praying!!! Please, please let me know if we can do anything. Keep me posted.
    We love you.


  3. Absolutely! I am praying, and speaking healing over you right now in Jesus name! Update us when you feel like it, and until then we will not stop praying! 😉


  4. Carole Hartfield

    Bruce I will be praying for you.


  5. Bruce, I’m so sorry to hear about your health concerns. I’ll definitely pray for you.



  6. anne marston

