Monthly Archives: September 2019

There’s a New Book for Depression!

I simply couldn’t believe the email I had just received. My author representative from B&H Publishing informed me:

“Hello Bruce, so sorry for the late response. Your title Hope Again is actually out of print and B & H does not have any plans to take this to a Print On Demand Product. With that being said, since the book is co Authored, we will need written request from you and Mark Sutton to revert the rights to you. Please forward that request or any questions you may have to your Author Care Specialist at email below. Let me know if you have any questions.

Blessings to you

Person’s Name Deleted
Author Care Specialist”

I had simply asked to order more of our book, “Hope Again: A 30 Day Plan for Conquering Depression” for an upcoming seminar only to discover our book was no longer in print! No one had bothered to inform us of this! When I kindly complained about this we got this response:

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